Dubai UAE
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One Decade of Service Delivery:


Rokyan is taking pride completing 10 years of service delivery globally. Rokyan was founded in 2013 and since then delivered non-stop services in the fields of:

  1. Training
  2. Policy Development
  3. Research
  4. Virtual Courses Development
  5. Translation Services
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation
  7. Online learning portals development
  8. Business Consultancy Services


Rokyan conducted more than 1,000 training events and served 12,000 ++ individuals in more than 21 countries.

Rokyan is committed to regular development and expanding to the next level. Recently, Rokyan is serving clients from:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Tajikistan
  3. Maldives
  4. Laos
  5. Uzbekistan
  6. Kyrgyzstan
  7. India
  8. Myanmar
  9. Cambodia
  10. Bangladesh
  11. South Sudan
  12. Gambia
  13. Thailand
  14. Nepal
  15. Sri Lanka
  16. Kenya
  17. Timor-Leste