Rokyan is taking pride completing 10 years of service delivery globally. Rokyan was founded in 2013 and since then delivered non-stop services in the fields of:
- Training
- Policy Development
- Research
- Virtual Courses Development
- Translation Services
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Online learning portals development
- Business Consultancy Services
Rokyan conducted more than 1,000 training events and served 12,000 ++ individuals in more than 21 countries.
Rokyan is committed to regular development and expanding to the next level. Recently, Rokyan is serving clients from:
- Afghanistan
- Tajikistan
- Maldives
- Laos
- Uzbekistan
- Kyrgyzstan
- India
- Myanmar
- Cambodia
- Bangladesh
- South Sudan
- Gambia
- Thailand
- Nepal
- Sri Lanka
- Kenya
- Timor-Leste