Total Participants: 7
Brief Intro To Training:
Training on: Good Governance, Accountability and Leadership
Commencement: April 25,2015
End: April 29,2015
Venue: Dubai, UAE
Duration: 5 Days
Clients: Afghanaid, MSI, Ghazanfar Bank, AHDS, BMC
Course Description: Good Governance is highly necessary for countries which are passing developmental stages. Without good governance has influence over:
- Accountability
- Over all management
- Productivity
- Efficiency
Good Governance won’t be possible without change and CHANGE won’t be applicable without LEADERSHIP.
Application of good governance will close the doors for corruption, nepotism, however, it will open the doors for:
- Speed
- Higher productivity
- The fastest development
- Increase in reputation
- Prosperous society
- Attracting foreign investment
What good governance needs:
- Leaders
- System
- Commitment
By the end of the training, the participants will be able:
- To explain good governance, its principles
- To recognize gaps in governance process
- To develop participatory planning, and budgeting
- To network with media
- To improve effective leadership within organization to lead to good governance
- Talented trainer—PhD. The trainer had working experience with New York, South Africa, Bosnia
- Learning oriented participants
- Much more interesting and comprehensive outline
- Practical works
- Tour and visit to release official tension