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Visit to Yeni Dunya Vakfi

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 RMCI took the recent team to Turkey to one of the local NGO’s operating in Turkey—The New World Foundation. This visit was to have participants shared their:

a.         Experiences

b.        Knowledge

c.         Understandings and

d.        Copy best practices

“The New World Foundation was founded in 1996. The center of our foundation is Hadim Hasan Pasha Madrasah in Cagaloglu, Istanbul. Hacı Bayram in one (1) branch, also in various regions of Turkey fifteen (15) There are representatives. 

The New World Foundation grants hundreds of scholarships each year to our students and students from different universities around the world. The New World Foundation, in addition to offering scholarships, is also working to make sure that students are making the best of their lives.

Education is the basic condition of success. For this reason, our foundation has aimed to educate our students as scientifically and technologically advanced, hardworking, knowledgeable and linguistic individuals who are bound to their national and spiritual values.

Our foundation also contributes to educate our young people in all aspects by organizing educational seminars and trips.

The New World Foundation, in addition to its educated contributions, also has a historical and cultural heritage, presenting this precious treasure to the succession of future generations.

The restoration of the Hadim Hasan Pasha Madrasah in Cagaloglu, which was founded in 2005 in a deplorable condition, was completed in 2012 as a result of the supremacy of our foundation. Located in historical texture next to Hacıbayram Mosque in Ankara, Ankara Branch started to provide services in new place since January 2015.

Our foundation continues its institutionalization studies by opening branches and representative offices throughout the country.”

The NGO was operating in one of the historical buildings which was built by Hassanpasha 450 years ago. The building was destroyed in 1900 but was restored by Mahmoodpasha.

As a failed coupe which took in July of 2016, major schools which were run by notorious cleric Mr.

Fathullah Gullan, the responsibility came to Yeni Dunya…this NGO is a shelter for poor families, children and adults who are unable to pursue their education and higher education. This organization is not only serving Muslims but also other than muslims from different countries of the world.

Ex-Turkish leader Najmuddin Arbakan studied here and the current minister of education of Turkey Dr.İSMET YILMAZ was funded by the New World Foundation.

During our visit to the organization, we were welcomed by Central Branch Manager. An official introduction was done and later on we went to 90 minutes longer briefing on the organization.

The manager briefed the RMCI team on:

  1. Database
  2. Communication and its networks
  3. Financial support
  4. Liaison and operations
  5. Filing system
  6. Funding and activities
  7. Employees and volunteers


  1. Alumni and on-going projects

At the end of the briefing, a Question and Answer session was held in which questions were asked by RMCI team and responded with smiles.

RMCI team thanked the New World Foundation and appreciated their hospitality.



The event was concluded with a group photo.