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Business Correspondence and Report Writing Course, Juba, South Sudan

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Technical Emails, Letter and Report Writing


By the end of the training, the participants will be able:

  • report writing
  • To develop effective presentation on report developed

Training Course Outline

Part One: Start Up:

  1. Why Writing?
  2. Planning Business Messages:
  3. B1. Identify your purpose
  4. B2. Analyze your audience
  5. B3. Choose your ideas
  6. B4. Collect your data
  7. B5. Organize your message
  8. Basic Organizational Plan:
  9. Deductive Approach
  10. Inductive Approach
  11. Look at Seven C’s:
  12. C1. Completeness
  13. C2. Conciseness
  14. C3. Consideration
  15. C4. Concreteness
  16. C5. Clarity
  17. C6. Courtesy
  18. C7. Correctness  (Deep look to Punctuation)


  1. Beginnings and Endings
  2. Opening Paragraphs
  3. Closing Paragraphs
  4. Composing the Message
  5. Drafting Your Message
  6. Revising Your Message
  7. Editing and Proofreading Your Messages

Part Five: Report Writing:

  1. Report Writing
  2. Definition: Report Writing
  3. Rationale of Writing
  4. Types of Report


  1. Report Types:
  2. Short Reports
  3.       Progress Report
  4.       Conference Report

                                                            iii.      Periodic Reports 

  1. Long Reports
  2. Suggestions for Short Reports
  3. Long Reports
  4. Parts of Longer Report
  5. Prefatory Parts
  6. Cover
  7. Title Fly
  8. Title Page
  9. Executive Summary
  10. TOCs
  11. Acknowledgement
  12. Letter of Authorization
  13. Letter of Acceptance
  14. Transmittal
  15. List of Tables
  16. List of Maps
  17. List of Figures
  18. List of Acronyms
  19. List of Abbreviations


  1. Body Parts
  2.       Introduction
  3.       Scope

                                                            iii.      Limitations

  1.       Stories/narration/examples/ statistics
  2.       Conclusion
  3.       Summary
  4. Supplementary Parts
  5.       Appendixes
  6.       Annexes

                                                            iii.      Indexes

  1. Building Reports
  2. Presentation

Who to Participate:

  • Communication Managers, Specialists, Sr. officers, Officers



3  Days


Juba, South Sudan


190 USD /individual

Investment Covers:

  • Training
  • Training Materials
  • Certificate
  • Lunch and refreshment
  • Venue
  • Trainer’s Fee

How to Register:



Commencement Date:

August 01,2016




WhatsApp/Viber: +93 77 18 48 147



Skype: rokyanmc